RAISE Center Proudly Introduces Its New, More Accessible, Transition Focused Website!

The national RSA Parent Center, the RAISE Center, proudly announces the launch of its updated website, RAISECenter.org. The site has been redesigned to better meet the needs of its audiences. RAISE provides technical assistance to support Parent Centers that serve youth and young adults with disabilities and their families during the transition into adulthood.

“While the previous site was certainly effective,” states Project Director, Dr. Josie Badger, “we realized that it could be easier to navigate, better reflect the energy of our youth and young adult constituents, and be more accessible.”

Visitors to the new site will find a clean, modern, high contrast look with fresh colors, easy navigation on all devices, and a focus on the highest standards of accessibility.

Part of the SPAN Parent Advocacy Network, the RAISE Center maintains SPAN’s high content quality standards with its webinars, newsletter, toolkits, fact sheets, blogs and more. To access the new site, click this link to go there now.